How We Work

We collect and analysis of your needs to offer a comprehensive solution for design, colour, materials, sizing, security, hygiene, and logistics.

The CQ step-by-step process

Im Co-Design erwecken wir gemeinsam Ihre einzigartige Unternehmens-Bekleidungs-Vision zum Leben: von der Konzeptentwicklung bis zur nachhaltigen Produktion. Der CQ-After-Sale & Nachbestell-Service Ihrer Gesamt-Lösung über Jahre hinaus garantiert Ihnen ‚Nachhaltigkeit by Design‘. Sie kaufen oder mieten die Volumen die Sie brauchen und wir beschaffen und prodzieren entsprechend.

Phase 1: Uniform Design and Development

In the Co-Design process, we work with our clients to design and develop personalized corporate clothing concept collections ( complete solutions) that meet their specific requirements and budget. This includes selecting the right colors, fabrics and designs as well as developing a logistics concept for sizing, production, delivery, sorting, packaging, labeling, transport, pool storage, laundry and reorders.


Phase 2: Prototyping and Iteration

After completion of Phase 1a&b in the CQ-Process Visualization above, we create prototypes of all involved articles in original color and fabrics. These are tested by our customers before the start of production. The findings are then integrated into the overall solution or per article and resampled. Only after two to three iterations (depending on requirements) are the parts produced in phase 4a following approval by our customers. This enables us to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the end product.

Phase 3: Sizing, Try-ons, Fit

Option of fitting or training at the customer’s premises to determine the sizing key.

Phase 4: Production and Assembly

Producing and assembling uniforms to order, based on the approved design and sizing.

Phase 4b: Logistics

Gemäss Grössenermitllung bei Anproben pro Person (Phase3) sortieren, beschriften und verpacken wir die Artikel vor Auslieferung pro Person. Ganz nach Ihrer Wahl liefern wir an einen Standort oder bereits aussortiert pro Filliale weltweit. Die Ware pro Person wird im wiederverwertbaren ‚CQ-No-Waste Konzept‘ verpackt ausgeliefert. Reserve und Pool Ware wird entsprechend beschriftet separat speziell verpackt. Gibt es keine Anproben wird pro Artikel und Grösse beschriftet und aussortiert geliefert. Nachbestellungen werden nach dem gleichen Prinzip abgewickelt.

Phase 5: Storage

It’s all about storing fabrics and finished goods on behalf of businesses, for long-term reorders.

Phase 6: Services & After Sale

We have a network of laundry and repair specialists which use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure that uniforms are cleaned and repaired to the highest standards.